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Special cloud behaviors


This page is about the TurboWarp Packager.

The disabled-by-default "Special cloud behaviors" option changes the behavior of specifically named cloud variables to unlock new compatibilities for your project. This is based on a similar feature in HTMLifier. This feature can be enabled in the "Cloud variables" section.

To make these, just create a cloud variable as you normally would but give them the specific name found below. For example, to use the ☁ url variable, create a variable named url and mark it as a cloud variable.

Enabling special cloud behaviors will override any other settings for these variables, so a variable like ☁ username will never be stored locally or synced with other users.

☁ url

The value of ☁ url will be set to the page's current URL. Changing the value of ☁ url does nothing.

☁ redirect

When the value of ☁ redirect is set to a URL, the current tab will navigate to that URL.

When the value of ☁ open link is set to a URL, the project will attempt to open a new tab with that URL open. Note that this isn't always reliable due to the popup blockers built in to most browsers.

☁ username

When the value of ☁ username is changed, the value of the username block in the sensing category will change.

☁ pasted

When the user pastes some text onto the page using a shortcut like ctrl+v, the text is stored in ☁ pasted.

☁ set clipboard

When the value of ☁ set clipboard is changed, the page will try to store the text in the user's clipboard. This might not always work.

☁ room id

When the value of ☁ room id is changed, the project ID used for syncronizing cloud variables is changed. For example, if the the project's original ID is 1234 and ☁ room id is set to xyz, the new project ID will be 1234-xyz. To reset the project ID to the original ID, set the value of ☁ room id to an empty string.

This can be useful as a way to add a server selector to cloud variable projects without having to create a bunch of extra variables. Only people with the same room ID will have variables synced between them. It could take a couple seconds for cloud variables to begin working again as it has to reconnect to the cloud variable server.

The room ID does not affect locally stored cloud variables.

☁ eval


This option requires "Unsafe special cloud behaviors" to be enabled.

Unsafe cloud behaviors allows the packaged project to execute arbitrary code outside of the "sandbox" that projects are typically executed in. Depending on the environment you're packaging for, this grants projects full control over your computer, including the ability to install viruses.

If you do not trust the project you're packaging or don't make use of this feature, please turn off this option.

When the value of ☁ eval is changed, its value will be evaluated as JavaScript.

If the JavaScript is successfully evaluated, its output will be stored in ☁ eval output.

If there was an error evaluating the JavaScript, the error will be stored in ☁ eval error.

If the JavaScript returns a Promise, it will store the resolved value in ☁ eval output if the promise resolves, or the error in ☁ eval error if it rejects. Note that setting ☁ eval is always an instant process, so the output variables may not update immediately.

Further information and discussion
